Miei cari naviganti non posso non aver cura di divulgare questa terribile
minaccia che incombe sull’intera umanità, occultata dietro pseudo benefici
derivanti da pseudo SMART di ogni genere!!! smart-city, smart-car ecc.
La mia fortuna è di essere socia AER Associazione Ecologica
Romana e in una delle nostre Conferenze si è appunto parlato del 5G e di tutto ciò che viene intrapreso per la sua diffusione, e…navigando
sul web, scopro che un piccolo esercito si sta muovendo affinchè ciò non
avvenga, vi rigiro tal quali, gli articoli di proprietà degli autori al solo
fine divulgare l’informazione, citando, ovviamente le rispettive fonti e con preghiera di dare massima diffusione a questa notizia, grazie!
L'articolo è lungo, ma merita tutta la vostra attenzione, mi raccomando trovate il tempo per leggerlola libertà di cui godiamo in questo momento non sarà la stessa dopo il 5G.
Le preoccupazioni per l’imminente
lancio della tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni radio 5G, hanno indotto una
petizione di massa contro la sua messa in opera per motivi di sicurezza da
parte di migliaia di scienziati e professionisti del settore.
Arthur Firstenberg scrive:
Radiazioni Wireless: Ferma la Rete 5G Sulla Terra e nello spazio, devastanti effetti sulla salute e l’ambiente.
All’ONU, all’OMS, all’UE, al
Consiglio d’Europa e ai governi di tutte le nazioni
Noi sottoscritti scienziati,
medici, organizzazioni ambientaliste e cittadini provenienti da diversi paesi,
chiediamo urgentemente l’arresto della diffusione della rete wireless 5G
(quinta generazione), incluso il 5G dai satelliti spaziali. Il 5G aumenterà in
modo massiccio l’esposizione alle radiazioni a radiofrequenza (RF) sulle reti
2G, 3G e 4G per le telecomunicazioni già installate. La radiazione RF è
stata dimostrata dannosa per l’uomo e l’ambiente. Lo spiegamento della
rete 5G costituisce un esperimento sull’umanità e sull’ambiente definito come
un crimine secondo il diritto internazionale.
Le società di telecomunicazioni
di tutto il mondo, con il supporto dei governi, sono in attesa entro i prossimi
due anni per implementare la rete wireless di quinta generazione
(5G). Questo è destinato a fornire ciò che è riconosciuto come un
cambiamento sociale senza precedenti su scala globale. Avremo case
“intelligenti”, imprese “intelligenti”, autostrade “intelligenti”, città
“intelligenti” e auto a guida autonoma. Praticamente tutto ciò che
possediamo e compriamo, dai frigoriferi alle lavatrici, dai cartoni per il
latte, dalle spazzole per i capelli e dai pannolini per bambini, conterrà
antenne e microchip e sarà connesso in modalità wireless a Internet. Ogni
persona sulla Terra avrà accesso immediato alle comunicazioni wireless ad
altissima velocità a bassa latenza da qualsiasi punto del pianeta, anche nelle
foreste pluviali, nel mezzo dell’ oceano e nell’Antartico.
Ciò che non è ampiamente
riconosciuto è che ciò comporterà anche cambiamenti ambientali senza precedenti
su scala globale. La densità pianificata dei trasmettitori di
radiofrequenza è impossibile da prevedere. Oltre a milioni di nuove
stazioni base 5G sulla Terra e 20.000 nuovi satelliti nello spazio, 200
miliardi di oggetti trasmittenti, secondo le stime, faranno parte dell’Internet
of Things entro il 2020 fino ad un trilione di oggetti pochi anni dopo. A
metà del 2018, il 5G commerciale a frequenze più basse e velocità più basse è
stato utilizzato in Qatar, Finlandia ed Estonia. La distribuzione del 5G a
frequenze estremamente elevate (onde millimetriche) è prevista per la fine del
Nonostante la diffusa negazione,
l’evidenza che le radiazioni a radiofrequenza (RF) sono dannose per la vita è
già schiacciante. L’evidenza clinica accumulata di esseri umani malati e
feriti, prove sperimentali di danni al DNA, cellule e sistemi di
organi in un’ampia varietà di piante e animali, e prove epidemiologiche che le
principali malattie della civiltà moderna, cancro, malattie cardiache e
diabete, sono in gran parte causate da inquinamento elettromagnetico,
costituisce una base di letteratura di oltre 10.000.
Se i piani del settore delle
telecomunicazioni per il 5G si realizzeranno, nessuna persona, nessun
animale, nessun uccello, nessun insetto e nessuna pianta sulla Terra sarà in
grado di evitare l’esposizione, 24 ore al giorno, 365 giorni all’anno, a
livelli di radiazione RF che sono decine o centinaia di volte più grandi di
quello che esiste oggi, senza alcuna possibilità di
fuga da nessuna parte sul pianeta. Questi piani 5G minacciano di provocare
effetti gravi e irreversibili sugli esseri umani e danni permanenti a tutti gli
ecosistemi della Terra.
Devono essere adottate misure
immediate per proteggere l’umanità e l’ambiente, nel rispetto degli imperativi
etici e degli accordi internazionali.
5G si tradurrà in un massiccio
aumento dell’inevitabile, involontaria esposizione alle radiazioni senza fili
5G a terra
Al fine di trasmettere l’enorme
quantità di dati richiesti per l’Internet of Things (IoT), la tecnologia 5G, quando
completamente implementata, utilizzerà onde millimetriche, che vengono
trasmesse male attraverso il materiale solido. Ciò richiederà ad ogni
operatore di installare stazioni base ogni
100 metri , in ogni area urbana del mondo. A differenza delle
precedenti generazioni di tecnologia wireless, in cui una singola antenna
trasmette su una vasta area, le stazioni base 5G e i dispositivi 5G
avranno antenne
multiple disposte in “phased array” che funzionano insieme
per emettere focalizzati, orientabili, raggi laser simili che si inseguono l’un
Ogni telefono 5G conterrà dozzine
di minuscole antenne, tutte funzionanti insieme per tracciare e puntare un
raggio focalizzato sulla torre più vicina. La Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) degli Stati Uniti ha adottato delle
regole che consentono alla potenza effettiva di tali fasci di
essere pari a 20 watt, dieci volte più potenti dei livelli consentiti per i
telefoni attuali.
Ogni stazione base 5G conterrà
centinaia o migliaia di antenne che puntano più raggi laser simili a tutti i
telefoni cellulari e i dispositivi utente nell’area di servizio. Questa
tecnologia è chiamata “multiple input multiple output” o MIMO. Le regole
FCC consentono che la potenza irradiata effettiva dei fasci di una
stazione di base 5G sia pari a 30.000 watt per
100 MHz di spettro, o equivalentemente 300.000 watt per GHz di spettro, da
decine a centinaia di volte più potente dei livelli consentiti per stazioni
base correnti.
5G basato sullo spazio
Almeno cinque
compagnie stanno proponendo di fornire 5G dallo spazio da 20.000 satelliti
combinati in orbita terrestre bassa e media che copriranno la Terra con fasci
potenti, focalizzati e orientabili. Ogni satellite emetterà onde
millimetriche con una potenza effettiva irradiata di fino
a 5 milioni di watt da migliaia di antenne disposte in serie
phased. Sebbene l’energia che raggiunge il suolo dai satelliti sarà
inferiore a quella delle antenne a terra, irradierà le aree della Terra non
raggiunte da altri trasmettitori e sarà aggiuntiva alle trasmissioni 5G basate
sulla terra da miliardi di oggetti IoT. Ancora più importante, i satelliti
saranno localizzati nella magnetosfera terrestre, che esercita un’influenza
significativa sulle proprietà elettriche dell’atmosfera. L’alterazione dell’ambiente
elettromagnetico della Terra può essere una minaccia alla vita ancora più
grande della radiazione proveniente dalle antenne terrestri.
Non ci sarà scampo, sarà il colpo
di grazia.
(fonte: https://koenig2099.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/26-000-scienziati-si-oppongono-al-lancio-del-5g/)
26.000 scienziati si oppongono al lancio del 5G
by Koenig2099 - febbraio 26, 2019
"Le preoccupazioni per
l’imminente lancio della tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni radio 5G, hanno
indotto una petizione di massa contro la sua messa in opera per motivi di
sicurezza da parte di migliaia di scienziati e professionisti del settore.
Firstenberg scrive:
Wireless: Ferma la Rete 5G Sulla Terra e nello spazio, devastanti effetti sulla
salute e l’ambiente.
All’ONU, all’OMS,
all’UE, al Consiglio d’Europa e ai governi di tutte le
Noi sottoscritti
scienziati, medici, organizzazioni ambientaliste e cittadini provenienti da
diversi paesi, chiediamo urgentemente
l’arresto della diffusione della rete wireless 5G (quinta generazione),
incluso il 5G dai satelliti spaziali. Il 5G aumenterà in modo massiccio
l’esposizione alle radiazioni a radiofrequenza (RF) sulle reti 2G, 3G e 4G per
le telecomunicazioni già installate. La
radiazione RF è stata dimostrata dannosa per l’uomo e l’ambiente. Lo
spiegamento della rete 5G costituisce un esperimento sull’umanità e
sull’ambiente definito come un crimine secondo il diritto internazionale.
Le società di
telecomunicazioni di tutto il mondo, con il supporto dei governi, sono in
attesa entro i prossimi due anni per implementare la rete wireless di quinta
generazione (5G). Questo è destinato a fornire ciò che è riconosciuto come
un cambiamento sociale senza precedenti su scala globale. Avremo case
“intelligenti”, imprese “intelligenti”, autostrade “intelligenti”, città
“intelligenti” e auto a guida autonoma. Praticamente tutto ciò che
possediamo e compriamo, dai frigoriferi alle lavatrici, dai cartoni per il
latte, dalle spazzole per i capelli e dai pannolini per bambini, conterrà
antenne e microchip e sarà connesso in modalità wireless a Internet. Ogni
persona sulla Terra avrà accesso immediato alle comunicazioni wireless ad
altissima velocità a bassa latenza da qualsiasi punto del pianeta, anche nelle
foreste pluviali, nel mezzo dell’oceano e nell’Antartico.
Ciò che non è
ampiamente riconosciuto è che ciò comporterà anche cambiamenti ambientali senza
precedenti su scala globale. La densità pianificata dei trasmettitori di
radiofrequenza è impossibile da prevedere. Oltre a milioni di nuove
stazioni base 5G sulla Terra e 20.000 nuovi satelliti nello spazio, 200
miliardi di oggetti trasmittenti, secondo le stime, faranno parte dell’Internet
of Things entro il 2020 fino ad un trilione di oggetti pochi anni dopo. A
metà del 2018, il 5G commerciale a frequenze più basse e velocità più basse è
stato utilizzato in Qatar, Finlandia ed Estonia. La distribuzione del 5G a
frequenze estremamente elevate (onde millimetriche) è prevista per la fine del
Nonostante la diffusa
negazione, l’evidenza che le radiazioni a radiofrequenza (RF) sono dannose per
la vita è già schiacciante. L’evidenza clinica accumulata di esseri umani
malati e feriti, prove sperimentali di danni al DNA, cellule e
sistemi di organi in un’ampia varietà di piante e animali, e prove
epidemiologiche che le principali malattie della civiltà moderna, cancro,
malattie cardiache e diabete, sono in gran parte causate da inquinamento
elettromagnetico, costituisce una base di letteratura di oltre 10.000.
Se i piani del
settore delle telecomunicazioni per il 5G si realizzeranno, nessuna
persona, nessun animale, nessun uccello, nessun insetto e nessuna pianta sulla
Terra sarà in grado di evitare l’esposizione, 24 ore al giorno, 365 giorni
all’anno, a livelli di radiazione RF che sono decine o centinaia di volte più
grandi di quello che esiste oggi, senza alcuna possibilità di
fuga da nessuna parte sul pianeta.
piani 5G minacciano di provocare effetti gravi e irreversibili sugli esseri
umani e danni permanenti a tutti gli ecosistemi della Terra.
Devono essere
adottate misure immediate per proteggere l’umanità e l’ambiente, nel rispetto
degli imperativi etici e degli accordi internazionali.
5G si tradurrà in un
massiccio aumento dell’inevitabile, involontaria esposizione alle radiazioni
senza fili
a terra
Al fine di
trasmettere l’enorme quantità di dati richiesti per l’Internet of Things (IoT),
la tecnologia 5G, quando completamente implementata, utilizzerà onde
millimetriche, che vengono trasmesse male attraverso il materiale
solido. Ciò richiederà ad ogni operatore di installare stazioni
base ogni
100 metri , in ogni area urbana del mondo. A differenza delle
precedenti generazioni di tecnologia wireless, in cui una singola antenna
trasmette su una vasta area, le stazioni base 5G e i dispositivi 5G
avranno antenne
multiple disposte in “phased array” che funzionano insieme
per emettere focalizzati, orientabili, raggi laser simili che si inseguono l’un
Ogni telefono 5G
conterrà dozzine di minuscole antenne, tutte funzionanti insieme per tracciare
e puntare un raggio focalizzato sulla torre più vicina. La Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) degli Stati Uniti ha adottato delle
regole che consentono alla potenza effettiva di tali fasci di essere
pari a 20 watt, dieci volte più potenti dei livelli consentiti per i telefoni
Ogni stazione base 5G
conterrà centinaia o migliaia di antenne che puntano più raggi laser simili a
tutti i telefoni cellulari e i dispositivi utente nell’area di
servizio. Questa tecnologia è chiamata “multiple input multiple output” o
MIMO. Le regole FCC consentono che la potenza irradiata effettiva
dei fasci di
una stazione di base 5G sia pari a 30.000 watt per
100 MHz di spettro, o equivalentemente 300.000 watt per GHz di spettro, da
decine a centinaia di volte più potente dei livelli consentiti per stazioni
base correnti.
basato sullo spazio
Almeno cinque
compagnie stanno proponendo di fornire 5G dallo spazio da 20.000 satelliti
combinati in orbita terrestre bassa e media che copriranno la Terra con fasci
potenti, focalizzati e orientabili. Ogni satellite emetterà onde
millimetriche con una potenza effettiva irradiata di fino
a 5 milioni di watt da migliaia di antenne disposte in serie
phased. Sebbene l’energia che raggiunge il suolo dai satelliti sarà
inferiore a quella delle antenne a terra, irradierà le aree della Terra non
raggiunte da altri trasmettitori e sarà aggiuntiva alle trasmissioni 5G basate
sulla terra da miliardi di oggetti IoT. Ancora più importante, i satelliti
saranno localizzati nella magnetosfera terrestre, che esercita un’influenza
significativa sulle proprietà elettriche dell’atmosfera. L’alterazione
dell’ambiente elettromagnetico della Terra può essere una minaccia alla vita
ancora più grande della radiazione proveniente dalle antenne terrestri.
Non ci sarà scampo,
sarà il colpo di grazia."
[rete 5G]
California: Danville City Council tells Verizon: We’re not going to be bowled over…We say, No! (VIDEO)
Broze, TMU
Mar. 14, 2019
Mar. 14, 2019
"On March 6,
the Danville Town Council voted four to one to block a permit for an upcoming
small cell wireless installation by Verizon. During the meeting,
Danville Mayor Robert Storer stated that the vote was an effort to stand
up to the federal government and telecommunications companies, like Verizon.
The Danville
Town Council’s decision to deny the land use-permit for the small cell opens the
town to possible lawsuits from Verizon.
“We’ve made a lot of difficult
decisions over the years, and this one is right up there in my top three. But
that is exactly why somebody elects us to do the right things,” Mayor
Robert Storer said during the council meeting. “We’ve lost local control
and this says: ‘You know what? We are sick of this and we’re not going to just
sit here and be bulled over.’ We say no; we play our cards out. We’ve been in
lawsuits before.”
installation of small cell sites is taking place around the nation as the U.S.
government and telecommunications companies roll out 5th Generation—or
5G—cellular technology. The new technology is expected to herald the
beginning of Smart Cities, where driverless cars, pollution sensors, cell phones,
traffic lights, and thousands of other devices interact in what is known as “The
Internet of Things”. However, there have been a number of health and
privacy concerns raised by opponents of the rapidly advancing 5G technology
controversial vote came after the Town Council had been inundated with complaints
and concerns from Danville residents who worry the new small cell site and
other 5G related infrastructure could have negative health effects. The
installation of small cells and other 5G infrastructure is opposed by Danville
Citizens for Responsible Growth (DCRG), a local group who
has been putting pressure on the Town Council since at least October 2018.
That month
the Danville Planning Commission approved a land-use permit for the small
cell site owned by Verizon. On November 2, DCRG filed an appeal challenging the
approval. The group has been battling Danville officials since and was
successful in convincing most of the council to vote against the permit.
However, despite many of Danville’s residents expressing concerns regarding
health, the council voted against the permit because the chosen location was
Danville SanRamon reports:
“The Danville The decision to deny
the permit was based on the council majority claiming that the proposed
location was not the least intrusive site possible, that better alternative
locations may exist and that the applicant had not adequately demonstrated the
proposed facility would meet federal radio frequency standards — all of which
went against the recommendation
of town staff.”
In fact,
Danville city attorney Robert Ewing noted that the Federal Communication
Commission heavily regulates the installation of wireless cell sites and in the
process limits local government’s ability to enact their own regulations.
“While potential health concerns
are a huge concern, if that was the basis on which you were making a decision I
would be fairly confident to tell you that you would lose, because that’s about
as clear as the law can get,” Ewing said at the meeting. “As
much as I understand the concern folks have over safety, what I can tell you is
that if you make a finding based on potential health impacts of RF, then I will
tell you that my opinion is you would lose.”
According to
the FCC’s regulations, local governing bodies are not allowed to even consider
health risks when making their decisions. This is because the federal law known
as the Wireless Communications Act of 1996 prohibits local jurisdictions from
considering perceived health effects when taking an action on a proposed
facility. Instead, cities and towns can only regulate cell sites based on the
aesthetics and placement of the devices. This problem was only made worse in
September 2018, when the FCC
passed a new rule which put the federal government in complete
control of the 5G rollout.
This is why
Danville Mayor Storer talks about losing local control. The federal government
and their partners in Big Wireless have usurped local control of our communities.
Danville Councilwoman Renee Morgan advised the people of Danville not to stop
their efforts to expose this loss of power.
“What we need to
do to make sure that we gain that local control. You cannot walk out of here
and say we won by having this cell site moved somewhere else. The point is to
go out there and talk to your state legislators, and make sure that they
understand that we as the town of Danville, deserve to tell people where we
want to put these things — not have them dictate it to us.”
Despite the
difficulties in organizing to raise awareness about 5G, there are recent
examples of resistance at the federal level. In early February, the Senate
Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee held a hearing on the future of
5G wireless technology and its impact on the American people and economy. At
the hearing, U.S.
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) raised concerns with
the lack of scientific research and data on the technology’s potential health
On January
24, Frank Pallone, Chairman of the U.S. House Commerce Committee, accused
the FCC of collusion with Big Wireless on the massive 5G rollout. Pallone sent
a letter to the FCC asking for copies of communications between the
FCC and the corporations involved in the current roll out of 5th Generation
(5G) cellular technology. Pallone’s letter seems to indicate that the
Commerce Committee had spoken with a whistleblower.
In early
December 2018, Senator Richard Blumenthal and California Representative Anna
Eshoo held
a press conference asking the FCC to provide
evidence that 5G technology is safe. “To
ensure we communicate accurate information to our constituents we respectfully
request you provide to our offices the 5G safety determination from FCC and
relevant health agencies that you referred to during the field hearing,”
Blumenthal wrote.
It’s clear there are many questions about 5G which are going unanswered.
Help us get to the bottom of this important story by sharing this
To learn more
about this topic see the following interviews:
Derrick Broze
talks with Theodora Scarato,
Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), about the health
concerns around cell phones, wireless devices, and 5G.
Derrick Broze
talks with Matt Cagle,
an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California,
regarding the privacy concerns surrounding the roll out of 5G technology and
the so-called Internet of Things.
About the
Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist
and liberty activist. He is the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com. Follow him
on Twitter. Derrick is
the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance:
Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2 and Manifesto of the Free Humans. Derrick
is available for interviews. Please contact Derrick@activistpost.com
This article
(California Mayor Admits Local Government Has “Lost
Control” of 5G Rollout) was originally featured at The
Mind Unleashed and is reposted here with permission. "
Posted under Fair Use Rules.
2017 Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health
"Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health
Hebrew University Medical School, January 23-26 2017
Sponsored by The Israel Institute for Advanced Study
and the Environmental Health Trust
With Support from National Institutes of Health/ National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences and Dr. Lucy Waletzky
With Support from National Institutes of Health/ National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences and Dr. Lucy Waletzky
Please see this video below which contains excerpts from the conference.
The video has short excerpts from most of the presentations at the conference.
A Youtube playlist of all the
lectures can be found at this link.
Introduction and Welcome
Michal Linial, PhD, Director
of The Israeli Institute for Advanced Study, Full Bio
Richard Laster, JD, LLD,
Professor – Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Full Bio
Click here for Lecture Video and Background Materials
Introduction and Welcome
Michal Linial, PhD & Richard Laster, JD, LLD
Background Materials:
Overview of Health Effects and Benefits of Wireless and Electromagnetic Radiation & The Neurological, Developmental and Reproductive Impacts of Radiofrequency Radiation
Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, FACE,
Founder and President of Environmental Health Trust, Visiting Professor of
Medicine at The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School and Ondokuz Mayis
University Medical School and Founding Director of the Center for Environmental
Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Full Bio
Click here for Lecture Videos, PDF of Slides, and
Background Materials
Dr. Davis gave two lectures at the expert forum.
Please see below.
Overview of Health Effects and Benefits of Wireless
and Electromagnetic Radiation
Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, FACE
Introducing the expert forum, Davis explained how the conference would
cover multiple aspects of electromagnetic fields and health from the recent
research evidence on carcinogenicity to medical applications to regulations and
policy. Dr. Davis made the following points. The outdated adult head models
used to evaluate cell phones today were developed in 1996 and do not adequately
protect the millions of current users who are children. Recent studies from
U.S. government and Italian researchers to be presented at the conference
strengthen the body of evidence indicating that electromagnetic fields could cause
and/or promote cancer. Peer reviewed research also indicates adverse effects to
sperm and reproductive system development. Experimental research indicates
adverse effects on neurological development.
Background Materials:
Neurological, Developmental and Reproductive Impacts
of RF
Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, FACE
Dr. Davis explained how the pulsed signals of cell phone and wireless
exposures can have a unique biological impact. Peer reviewed research indicates
adverse effects of wireless radiation on sperm quality, sperm DNA, and
oxidative stress. Prenatal and postnatal exposures have been shown to alter and
damage neurological development in experimental studies. Dr. Davis highlighted
the health concern for children who absorb radiation more deeply into their
brains, relative to an adult brain. She touched on the current research which
indicates a synergistic effect between radio frequency radiation and chemical
exposures. One such study on the association between mobile phone use and
symptoms of ADHD found a modifying effect of lead exposure in which exposure to
both lead and RF from mobile phone use was associated with increased ADHD
symptom risk. She also shared the implications for wildlife and discussed
research showing wireless radiation can negatively alter bee behavior.
Background Materials:
Report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program: Increased Cancers and Genetic Damage Tied with Current Levels of Wireless Radiation from Cell Phones and Other Devices & Technical Update on NTP Positive Bioassay of RFR/MW, Plans for Release of Full Report, U.S. and Other National Policy Response
Linda Birnbaum, PhD, DABT, ATS,
Director National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National
Toxicology Program (NTP), Full Bio;
Presentation given by Ronald
Melnick, PhD, Senior Science Advisor, Environmental Health
Trust; Fellow Emeritus, Collegium Ramazzini; Former Toxicologist at the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology
Program; Recipient of the American Public Health Association’s 2007 David P.
Rall Award
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation
Slides, and Background Materials
Two lectures on the National Toxicology Program were
presented at the expert forum. Please see below.
Report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program:
Increased Cancers and Genetic Damage Tied with Current Levels of Wireless
Radiation from Cell Phones and Other Devices
Linda Birnbaum, PhD, DABT, ATS; Ronald Melnick, PhD
*Note: Dr. Birnbaum came to Israel to present at the conference but
unexpectedly had to return to the United States and her prepared presentation
was delivered by Ronald Melnick PhD, retired NIH scientist who helped design
the NIEHS study.
The National Toxicology Program (NTP), of the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences has evaluated hundreds of agents for their
ability to cause cancer and other health problems. Dr. Birnbaum’s presentation
summarized the findings from the NTP’s study on chronic low level
radiofrequency radiation exposures to rats. The final review of brain and heart
tissues found statistically increased tumors – gliomas of the brain and
schwannomas of the heart in exposed male rats – in addition to genetic damage
in the brains of both rats and mice. The comet assay test found statistically
significant increased genetic damage in the frontal cortex of both rats and
mice as well as in several other tissues. Furthermore, the NTP found that rats
exposed in utero had lower birth weights than controls. These findings are the
final analysis for the heart and brain tissues of the rats, but are a partial
report because additional findings from other tissues and endpoints are still
in process. The complete rat and mouse histopathology data are expected for
release by Fall 2017. Dr. Birnbaum’s presentation included images of the
schwannomas and gliomas that had not been seen before this presentation.
Background Materials:
Technical Update on NTP Positive Bioassay of RFR/MW,
Plans for Release of Full Report, U.S. and Other National Policy Response
Linda Birnbaum, PhD, FACT; Ronald Melnick, PhD
*Note: Dr. Birnbaum came to Israel to present at the conference but
unexpectedly had to return to the United States and her prepared presentation
was delivered by Ronald Melnick PhD, retired NIH scientist who helped design
the NIEHS study.
Ron Melnick shared Dr. Birnbaum’s prepared presentation outlining the
three-phase toxicology and carcinogenicity studies on radiofrequency radiation
in rats and mice conducted by the NTP. Dr. Melnick emphasized that animal
studies are important because every agent known to cause cancer in humans also
causes cancer in animals when adequately tested. The NTP released a partial
report in Summer of 2016 finding significantly decreased birth weight of
pups exposed to RFR in utero, significantly increased incidence of schwannomas
of the heart and gliomas in RFR-exposed male rats and increased numbers of
hyperplastic lesions within the brains and hearts of RFR-exposed male rats.
Genetic toxicology results included statistically significant increases in DNA
damage in the frontal cortex of exposed rats and mice."
Background Materials:
Recent Findings on Wireless Radiation and Health from the Ramazzini Institute & Update on the Ramazzini Institute Bioassays Regarding the Synergistic Effect of ELF and RFR EMFs
Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, FIATP,
Head of the Research Department at the Ramazzini Institute and Director of the
Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Dr. Belpoggi gave two lectures at the expert forum.
Please see below.
Recent Findings on Wireless Radiation and Health from
the Ramazzini Institute
Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, FIATP
The scientific research conducted at the Italian Ramazzini Institute
laboratory is world renowned. Dr. Belpoggi reviewed Ramazzini Institute’s
current large scale studies on low level daily radiofrequency radiation which
exposed rats to radiation at levels 1000 times less than the NTP. She
released new findings from the study, which showed significantly lower litter
weights in RFR-exposed pups as compared to controls. These findings
are consistent with the findings in the NTP study which also found lower birth
weights in exposed rats. The evaluation of the Ramazzini data are ongoing and
the final results of the study will be available by the end of 2017. Dr.
Belpoggi recommended the public take precautionary steps to reduce exposure.
The Italian journal Corriere covered Belpoggi’s presentation in a news
article after this presentation. Click here.
Background Materials:
Update on the Ramazzini Institute Bioassays Regarding
ELF and RFR EMFs: Studies on the Synergistic Effects
Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, FIATP
Dr. Belpoggi introduced the work of the Ramazzini Institute, a nonprofit
independent research cooperative which uses a human equivalent model for
studying the toxicity of chemicals and electromagnetic exposures. Prior research
at the Institute has included studies on vinyl chloride, formaldehyde,
trichloroethylene and benzene. Aiming to clarify the actual hazards related to
exposure to magnetic fields of different kinds, the Ramazzini Institute, in
parallel with the National Toxicology Program, started a program of
experimental in vivo studies on electromagnetic low frequencies (ELF)
and radio frequency radiation (RFR). Dr. Belpoggi first detailed the findings
from the Ramazzini Institutes recent studies on extremely low frequency
magnetic fields (ELF- MFs) which found a synergistic effect when ELF- MFs were
combined with a known physical or chemical carcinogen. The carcinogenic
potential of two known carcinogens (formaldehyde and gamma radiation) were
significantly enhanced when combined with exposure to ELF-MF, leading to
increased cancers in comparison to a single exposure.
The studies of formaldehyde and ELF-MF found statistically significant
increases of total malignant tumors, C-cell carcinomas and lymphomas/leukemias
when compared to negative controls, and statistically significant increases of
C-cell carcinomas and lymphomas/leukemias when compared to male rats exposed to
MF alone (positive controls). Findings from the published Ramazzini study on
gamma radiation paired with ELF-MF found; a significant dose-related increased
incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas in male and female rats compared to
negative controls; a dose-related increased incidence of malignant heart
Schwannomas in male rats compared to negative control; a significant increased
incidence of lymphomas/leukemias in male compared to negative control;
and a significant increased incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas in
female and lymphomas/leukemias in male compared to positive control
The Ramazzini studies which observed rats exposed to ELF MF alone
found no increased incidence of benign and/or malignant tumours. Therefore, the
studies demonstrate that exposure to ELFMF S-50 Hz, from prenatal life until
natural death, enhances the carcinogenic effects of g -radiation and formaldehyde
in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Pathological analysis and evaluation of
the results of the RFR study is still ongoing, although some clinical
observation during the neonatal period of offspring show a decrease in body
weight within litters treated during fetal life. Final results of the study
will be available within the end of the year.
Dr. Belpoggi then presented preliminary results from the current
Ramazzini studies on radiofrequency radiation. In parallel with the NTP study,
researchers found rats which had been exposed to RFR in utero had
significantly lower birth weights than controls. The findings on the possible
carcinogenic effects are not available yet as histopathology and genetic
toxicity assays of study animals are currently under way. Dr. Belpoggi
recommended precautionary action now due to the widespread exposure of
electromagnetic fields to the public.
Background Materials:
Tumor Treatment Fields for Glioblastoma: Clinical Trials and Potential Mechanism of Action
Frank S. Lieberman, MD,
Chief of Adult Neuro-Oncology at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center; Professor of
Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Dr. Lieberman gave two lectures at the expert forum.
Please see below.
Tumor Treatment Fields for Glioblastoma: Clinical
Trials and Potential Mechanism of Action (shorter presentation)
Frank S. Lieberman, MD
Dr. Frank Lieberman explained the mode of action and clinical trial use
for the innovative treatment of tumor treating fields using low level
electromagnetic radiation against recurrent glioblastomas. He reported on the
current clinical trial methods and results, noting the significantly higher
survival rates of patients receiving tumor treating fields in addition to a
chemotherapy drug in comparison to those receiving solely the chemotherapy
Background Materials:
Tumor Treating Fields: Preclinical Science and
Clinical Trials (longer presentation)
Frank Lieberman MD
Dr. Lieberman provided an overview of the innovative use of tumor
treating fields (TTF) for glioblastoma, indicating the known modes of action at
the cellular level via signaling pathways and cell division – confirmed
by experimental studies. Following positive results from in vitro
studies showing a synergistic effect of TTF and commonly used chemotherapy
drugs, TTF clinical trials for patients with recurrent and newly diagnosed
glioblastomas were approved. Dr. Liberman discussed the details of these
clinical trials, noting study design, TTF delivery system, endpoint
definitions, and survival results. In the most recent clinical trial, patients
with newly diagnosed glioblastoma who received TTF in combination with TMZ
chemotherapy showed significantly prolonged progression-free and overall
survival in comparison to controls. Such clinical trials provide evidence for
the use of TTF as a novel cancer treatment modality.
Background Materials:
Precaution and Prevention: Multi-Media Public Health Tools to Promote Public and Health Professional Understanding of Wireless Radiation, The National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health of Cyprus
Stella Canna-Michaelidou, PhD,
President of the National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health of
Cyprus, Former Acting Permanent Secretary of the Cypriot Ministry of Health,
and former Director of the State General Laboratory, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Dr. Canna-Michaelidou gave two lectures at the expert
forum. Please see below.
Multi-Media Public Health Tools to Promote
Public and Health Professional Understanding of Wireless Radiation
Stella Canna-Michaelidou, PhD
Dr. Stella Canna-Michaelidou, President of the Cyprus National Committee
on Environment and Children’s Health, described the committee’s mandate to
provide advice on precaution and prevention to the Minister of Health and other
Ministries on children’s environmental health issues. Dr. Stella
Canna-Michaelidou shared the committee’s multidisciplinary approach to raising
public awareness on wireless radiation which includes brochures, videos and
public lectures. She played an excellent and informative four minute video
which the Committee produced on the risks of wireless technology advice to
parents. Dr. Michaelidou concluded by stating that we know enough and thus must
apply precaution to insure our children’s future by pushing for safer
regulations adjusted to children specificities.
Background Materials:
Precaution and Prevention: Public Health Tools to
Reduce Children’s Exposure to Mobile Phone, and Wireless Radiation
Stella Canna-Michaelidou, PhD
Dr. Michaelidou shared the public health awareness campaign created by
the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health to reduce
children’s exposure to wireless radiation. The multi-media tools of the
campaign promote awareness and education on practical steps parents can
take to reduce wireless exposures in daily life. She compared the campaign to
prior campaigns of the Committee on environmental health issues such as on
tobacco smoke and the need for a multifaceted approach. Dr. Michaelidou
concluded that precautionary regulations must be passed to strengthen
protections for the public as the current regulations are inadequate to protect
the public from biological effects. She recommended that the burden of proof of
safety be on the industry. She concluded by sharing a new video from the
Committee’s campaign directed towards pregnant women to educate them on why and
how to reduce wireless exposures.
Background Materials:
Advice on Pregnancy and Wireless,
The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health
Update on National Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Reducing Wireless Radiation in Argentina (By Teleconference)
Sergio Bergman, MA, MEd, MTh,
Minister of the Environment of Argentina, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Update on National Legislative and Regulatory
Framework for Reducing Wireless Radiation in Argentina (By Teleconference)
Sergio Bergman, MA, MEd, MTh
Via video-conference, Minister Sergio Bergman discussed Argentina’s
recent proposed legislation “electromagnetic pollution control and prevention.”
As the Minister of the Environment, Mr. Bergman is promoting international
communication and collaboration on this issue. He supports the need for public
education on reducing exposure to wireless radiation.
Recent Evaluations of Wireless Exposure , Sim4Life & Functionalized Anatomical Models: MRI Safety, Thermal Therapies, and Neurostimulation
Esra Neufeld, PhD, Head of
Computational Life Sciences Group at IT’IS Foundation for Research on
Information Technologies in Society; Chief Scientific Officer, Zurich MedTech
AG, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Dr. Neufeld gave two lectures at the expert forum.
Please see below.
Recent Evaluations of Wireless Exposure for the EU
Esra Neufeld, PhD
Dr. Neufeld reviewed the current state of communication technology
exposure assessment (dosimetry, measurements, and modelling), including an
overview of ongoing European research activities. The following principal gaps
and research needs were highlighted: dosimetry and regulation for novel, e.g.,
5G, communication technologies (under realistic network conditions) and
wireless power transfer technologies, identification of (non-thermal)
mechanisms of action with associated effect-relevant quantities of interest
(and compliance testing), determination of induced effects under
well-controlled exposure conditions, as well as low frequency exposure safety
Background Materials:
Sim4Life & Functionalized Anatomical Models: MRI
Safety, Thermal Therapies, and Neurostimulation
Esra Neufeld, PhD
Dr. Neufeld presented an update on the innovative technology from The
Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS). He
described their use of functionalized anatomical models – computational
representations of individual or population anatomies enriched with dynamic
tissue and physiological behaviour. These models simulate the different
penetration of electromagnetic fields into different tissues of the body and
enables an understanding of how people of various sizes and ages will vary in
their exposures. Anatomical models are used for basic research, the development
and personalization of novel therapies and devices, as well as safety and
efficacy assessment. These advances in imaging and simulation technology permit
the generation of functionalized (personalized) patient models which opens
powerful possibilities in device & therapy innovation, personalized
medicine, treatment planning and clinical trials.
Background Materials:
Potential Risks to Human Health Originating from Future Sub-MM Communication Systems
Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD, Lecturer
in the Department of Physics, Ariel University, Israel, Full Bio
& Yuri Feldman,
PhD, Head of the Dielectric Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department
of Applied Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Full Bio
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and Background Materials
Potential Risks to Human Health Originating from
Future Sub-MM Communication Systems
Yuri Feldman,
PhD & Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD
Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD presented research on the possible health
impacts of 5G technology within the sub-THz band. Dr. Yuri Feldman’s state of
the art laboratory has published research finding
a significant biological response from these higher frequencies. When exposed
to sub-THz wavelengths, sweat ducts within the upper skin layer act similarly
to a helical antenna, which may lead to preferential layer absorption and
possible adverse health effects. The full ramifications of these findings on
the the human condition remain under investigation, however it is obvious that
the absorption of electromagnetic energy is governed by the topology for the
skin and its organelles, especially the sweat duct. Experimental evidence
indicates it is also correlated to physiological stress as manifested by the
pulse rate and the systolic blood pressure. Dr. Ben-Ishai concluded that
before rolling out 5G technologies utilizing these higher frequencies, these
biological responses should be adequately studied and should result in
standards that protect the public from the possible adverse human health risks
they present.
Background Materials:
Human Skin as
Arrays of Helical Antennas in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range The Helical Structure of Sweat
Ducts: Their Influence on the Electromagnetic Reflection Spectrum of the Skin
MAPK/ERK Activation as a Readout for Cellular Response to Non-ionizing Radiation
Rony Seger, MD, PhD, Head of
the Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
MAPK/ERK Activation as a Readout for Cellular Response
to Non-ionizing Radiation
Rony Seger, MD, PhD
Dr. Seger described how in his lab, very low doses of both microwave
(mobile phone) and extremely low frequency (electric wires) microwave
radiation have been shown to induce activation of ERK – an important signaling
cascade involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. The
mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) are central signaling components that
regulate essentially all stimulated cellular processes, including
proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and stress response. The
phosphorylation of the ERK1/2 is extremely sensitive to extracellular cues, and
Dr. Seger’s lab has developed tools that detect even a minute amount of ERK1/2
phosphorylation. Dr. Seger described how both microwave and ELF-MF were able to
induce activation of ERK1/2 in a time-dependent manner. The effect was detected
in very low doses, already at 0.005 mW/cm2 for microwave radiation, and 0.5 μT, in
ELF-MF. In both cases the fields are sensed by NADH oxidase, and transmitted to
ERK via production of free radicals. Thus, his results further indicate that
cells are responsive to MF at non-thermal field strengths much lower than
previously suspected, and that the effects may be mediated by NADP oxidase.
Background Materials:
Environmental Impact on Semen Quality – What is the Role of Non-ionizing Radiation?
Hagai Levine, MD, Head of
the Environmental Health Track, Senior Lecturer and Senior Physician, Braun
School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hebrew University Hadassah
Medical School, Jerusalem, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Environmental Impact on Semen Quality – What is the
Role of Non-ionizing Radiation?
Hagai Levine, MD
Dr. Levine presented two recently published reviews on the research
performed on cell phone radiofrequency radiation and semen quality. The Adams et al, 2014
meta analysis found exposure to mobile phones was associated with reduced sperm
motility and viability and concluded that pooled results from in vitro
and in vivo studies suggest that mobile phone exposure negatively
affects sperm quality. The Houston et al, 2016 review of 27 studies found negative consequences of exposure were
reported in 21 of the 27 studies. Within these 21 studies, 11 of the 15 which
investigated sperm motility reported significant declines; 7 of 7 that measured
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) documented elevated levels; and
4 of 5 studies that probed for DNA damage highlighted increased damage due to
RF-EMR exposure. Dr. Levine presented current trends in Israel including
decreased sperm counts, increased male infertility and increased testicular
cancer. He posed the question, ‘could cell phones be a factor?’ Levine
considered future experimental studies utilizing sperm as a model, and
discussed the implications of these experimental results on the widespread use
of wireless technologies in our society, particularly in schools.
Background Materials:
Update from the Israeli National Information Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation Center
Siegal Sadetzki, MD, MPH,
Director of Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Unit and Senior Lecturer, The
Gertner Institute, Israel, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Update from the Israeli National Information Center
for Non-Ionizing Radiation Center
Siegal Sadetzki, MD, MPH
Dr. Sadetzki briefed the conference on the current work done at the
Israeli National Information Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation Center (TNUDA),
highlighting the center’s online website and role in providing public health
recommendations to government ministries and the public. TNUDA recommends
precaution in the use of cell phones and wireless devices.
Background Materials:
Epidemiology of Cell Phones and Other Wireless Transmitting Devices – An Update
Anthony Miller, MB, MRCP, MD, FRCP, FRCP (C), FFPH,
FACE, Professor Emeritus, Dalla Lana School of Public
Health; Senior Medical Advisor, Environmental Health Trust, USA; Previous
Director of Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute of Canada, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Epidemiology of Cell Phones and Other Wireless
Transmitting Devices – An Update
Anthony Miller, MB, MRCP, MD, FRCP, FRCP (C),
Dr. Miller provided a summary and analysis of recent epidemiological
case-control studies on cell phone radiation, including the Interphone study,
studies performed by Hardell and the CERENAT study. Dr. Miller explained that
negative studies such as the Million Women study and the Danish cohort study
are not proof of no effect due to their many methodological issues. Pros and
cons of these studies were identified, and the results were compared to recent
trends in cancer incidence. Dr. Miller concluded that the body of evidence has
increased since the WHO IARC classified radiofrequency fields (RFR) in 2011.
The current research evidence in 2017 indicates that RFR should be considered a
probable human carcinogen and the public should take cautionary steps to reduce
exposures. Dr. Miller stated, “Even if the risk per individual is low, it is
widely distributed and could become a major public health problem. The
Precautionary Principle must be applied now.”
Background Materials:
Safety Code Six: Canada’s Guidelines for Human Exposure to Wireless Radiation
Meg Sears PhD, Chair
and Science Advisor, Prevent Cancer Now; Senior Science Advisor, Environmental
Health Trust, Previous Adjunct Investigator, Children’s Hospital of Eastern
Ontario and Senior Clinical Research Associate, Centre for Evidence-Based
Practice, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Full Bio
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Safety Code Six: Canada’s Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Wireless Radiation
Meg Sears, PhD
Dr. Sears reviewed Safety Code Six – Canada’s guidelines for human
exposure to wireless devices. The most recent review was criticized for lack of
transparency and resulted in several scientists who stepped down due to
conflicts of interest. Sears explained how a systematic review process did not
take place and Canadian volunteers identified 140 studies showing an adverse
“biological” effect at non-thermal levels were in the literature but missing
from the Canadian review. Dr. Sears noted that following the 2011 IARC
classification and Canadian election, the government has failed to provide a systematic
update on wireless radiation exposure, stating only that individuals should use
precaution “if they are concerned”. She concluded by offering next steps moving
forward within Canada, including briefing members of parliament and educating
the public, as well as improving scientific approaches in literature review and
Methodological Challenges of Case Series and Updates of Occupational Exposures to Wireless Radiation
Elihu Richter, MD, MPH,
Associate Professor Emeritus of Occupational Medicine, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Israel, Full Bio
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Methodological challenges of Case Series and Updates
of Occupational Exposures to Wireless Radiation
Elihu Richter, MD, MPH
Dr. Richter presented a series of case studies which analyzed cancer
patients exposed to whole body, prolonged radio frequency radiation in the
military and occupational setting, mainly from communications equipment and
RADAR. Cases included reports of young patients with brain cancer that appeared
within ten years of initial exposures. Dr. Richter found that the proportion of
individuals in the reviewed groups with hematolympahtic cancers was quite high,
as well as reporting a very high risk of HL cancers compared to the general
population. Dr. Richter noted that the consistent association of RFR and highly
elevated HL cancer risk in the four occupational groups of cancer patients
spread over three countries, operating different RFR equipments and analyzed by
different research methods suggest that the occupational exposures were the
most likely cause. He concludes that these case studies indicate there is a
case for a cause and effect relationship between EMF exposures and tumor
formation. He recommends we move “from precaution to prevention/protection.”
Background Materials:
Making the Leap from a Clinical Case Series to Evidence-Based Medicine to Reduce Health Impacts of RF
Iris G. Udasin, MD, FACPM,
Professor & Medical Director of Employee Health, Rutgers University
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute; Principal
Investigator for the World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment
Program, USA, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Making the Leap from a Clinical Case Series to
Evidence-Based Medicine to Reduce Health Impacts of RF
Iris G. Udasin, MD, FACPM
Dr. Udasin is Medical Director of Employee Health at Rutgers University
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute and the Principal
Investigator for the World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment
Program. She presented a clinical case example of a policeman who arrived
at the World Trade Center (WTC) site shortly after the planes hit the towers
and coordinated interagency response for two years thereafter. Workers directly
in the WTC plume were exposed to various fire-related air contaminants e.g..,
formaldehyde, benzene, acrylonitrile, acrolein, acetonitrile, phosgene,
styrene, toluene, xylene, PAHs, acetaldehyde, 2-butanone, carbofurans, PCBs,
ethyl-benzene, Freon R-22, hexane, isocyanates, perchloroethylene, 1-3
butadiene, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, glutaraldehyde, and xylene.
Following his exposure, he was diagnosed with cancer that likely is due to both
the air contaminants from the WTC as well as wireless exposure from cellular
communications inside his police vehicle. Dr. Udasin reviewed the research that
has found an association between WTC exposure and elevated cancer risks.
Implications of this research includes workers compensation for highly exposed
workers who developed cancers related to their occupational exposures,
technical preventive measures to decrease exposure as the science is being
performed and health preventive measures whereby risk reduction can be
incorporated into well child and well adult examinations.
Background Materials:
Simulations of Peak Spatial Exposures to Children and Adults from Multiple Devices by Claudio Fernandez, MSc, Federal University of Rio Grande De Sul, Brazil
Fernandez, MSc,
Federal University of Rio Grande De Sul, Brazil
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Slides, and Background Materials
Simulations of Peak Spatial Exposures to Children and
Adults from Multiple Devices
Claudio Fernandez, MSc
Claudio Fernandez, a professor of electrical engineering, presented his
research simulating wireless exposures in children and adults from devices such
as cell phones, laptops, tablets, and even a wireless mouse. The limitations of
current cell phone regulations which rely on SAM simulations were detailed, as
they do not consider the unique physiology of children or pregnant women. In
addition, they do not consider the peak exposures into specific tissues which
this computer modeling can simulate. The dosimetric simulations indicate that
the psSAR (specific absorption rate) is higher in the brain of a child in
comparison to an adult, and therefore current standards and models used for
cell phone and wireless device testing are not adequately protective. Fernandez
shared several animations which simulate the penetration of the electrical
field into the body, including Wi-Fi exposure from a tablet into the brain of a
six year old, Wi-fi from a laptop into the body of a sitting adult male and
cell phone radiation into an adult and child brain. He also noted that it is
essential for researchers to set up experiments and simulation systems knowing
what to measure. The current compliance tests and recommendations consider only
thermal effects (at RF) and SAR and power density (or electric field intensity)
as dosimetric parameters to assess exposure and to recommend limits, and thus
policies must propose new updated recommendations and limits of these and other
parameters. Since there is a growing evidence of other (non thermal) effects
and since SAR (which is a mass or volume related parameter) will be almost
outdated for 5G signals (upon 10 GHz, which are absorbed at the surface),
Claudio noted that it is necessary to construct a table correlating the
biological effects with its quantities of interest.
Background Materials:
“What Can be Done” Reducing Exposure to Children in Schools and at City Level: Haifa Schools IT Chief Describes Haifa’s Low EMF Classrooms
Reuven Kurman, BSc, MBA,
Chief Information Officer, Education Department of Haifa, Israel
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and Background Materials
“What Can be Done” – Reducing Exposure to Children in
Schools and at City Level
Reuven Kurman, BSc, MBA
Kurman presented the risks and benefits of integrating technology within
the classroom. As head of IT for Haifa schools he developed a cost effective
program to hardwire the network and install passive access points so that the
RFR exposures were as low as possible and non-radiating when not in use. Kurman
discussed the complexity of measuring wireless radiation power density on
classrooms especially in light of the fact that the regulations are non
protective of non thermal effects. Kurman stated that as the decision maker he
is responsible for any harm caused to the students and that lack of scientific
evidence doesn’t justify taking risks. Kurman noted that a major part of reducing
WiFi in schools is communicating clear and simple information to the parents
and teachers, and in doing so he is committed to reducing Wi-Fi exposure to
children at school to as low a level as possible. He presented various
scenarios so that a wired system can be installed that meets educational needs.
He concluded that more attention needs to be given to how we can effectively
communicate current science and potential risks of wireless radiation to the
The Adverse Effect of Exposure to Media in Children: Sleep, Learning, and Aggression
Eitan Kerem, MD, FAAP,
Head of the Division of Pediatrics, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Full Bio
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Slides, and Background Materials
Adverse Effect of Exposure to Media in Children
Eitan Kerem, MD, FAAP
Dr. Kerem, Head of Pediatrics at Hadassah Medical Center, presented the
large body of research on the health effects of screen time and media use on
children and adolescents. Health consequences associated with early media
exposure include impaired neurological development, cognitive development,
language development and school performance, decreased sleep quality, increased
ADHD symptoms, increased obesity, increased aggression and violence and
increased social and emotional difficulties. Dr. Kerem considers early
childhood a critical intervention period for creating healthy screen/media
habits. He strongly recommended increasing awareness on these health effects
and educating parents and clinicians on reducing screen time for children.
Environmental Indicators and Opportunities for Evaluating Current Patterns of Use: Gaps in Assessment & Gaps in Protection
Yael Stein, MD, Resident
Anesthesiologist, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Full Bio
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Environmental Indicators and Opportunities for
Evaluating Current Patterns of Use: Gaps in Assessment & Gaps in Protection
Yael Stein, MD
Dr. Stein addressed the current gaps in exposure assessment of
cumulative wireless radiation exposures from multiple sources. Dr. Stein
explained the unique nature of radiation signals from Wi-Fi access points and
the research which has found adverse effects at very low levels of exposure.
She reviewed the Israeli policy whereby the Health Ministry recommends reducing
cell phone radiation and reducing wireless exposure to children in schools.
However, she noted that wireless systems are still being installed in schools.
She mentioned that exposures are being assessed separately per exposure – not
calculated cumulatively per person exposed. She stated that a person may be
cumulatively exposed to RF and ELF from multiple sources, together or
separately and concluded that a more protective policy and coordination between
Ministries is needed to provide a clear message of protection.
Physiological and Psychological Impacts of Digital Media on Children

Gadi Lissak, PsyD, Clinical
and Behavioral Medicine Psychologist, Meuhedet Health Services, Israel
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Slides, and Background Materials
Physiological and Psychological Impacts of Digital
Gadi Lissak, PsyD
Dr. Lissak discussed the physiological and psychological effects of
excessive exposure to digital media on infants, children and adolescents.
Excessive exposure to digital media creates a complex clinical picture with a
broad variety of symptoms within children; i.e. physiological, neurological,
learning related, cognitive-behavioral, social and emotional. Major symptoms
include addictive behavior, obesity, high blood pressure, sympathetic arousal
and sleep disorder. The latter causes ADHD symptoms and decreased levels of
melatonin, thus compromising the immune system. Furthermore, compromised
physical health can lead to decreased interpersonal skills and stress coping
skills resulting in overall compromised psycho-psychological resilience. Dr.
Lissak concluded that excessive screen time and wireless radiation can act
synergistically and produce adverse physiological and psychological effects
during an a critical time in children’s development.
Background Materials:
US and International Policy Developments /Medical Recommendations on Children
Theodora Scarato, MSW,
Clinical Psychotherapist; Director of Public Affairs and Educational Resources,
Environmental Health Trust, Full Bio
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US and International Policy Developments /Medical
Recommendations on Children
Theodora Scarato, MSW
Dozens of governments recommend that people’s exposure to wireless
radiation be minimized – especially for children. Scarato reviewed public
policy worldwide including the French government’s legislation which bans the
sale of cell for children, advertising cell phones for children under 14 and
limits wireless exposures in schools. In the United States, the Maryland
Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council issued a
report on Wi-Fi in Schools recommending wired internet connections in schools
to minimize children’s wireless exposures. Scarato also highlighted how federal
agencies are inadequatly addressing this issue and how 21st century learning
initiatives present new challenges to policy makers. Children are using wireless
devices on their laps and parents and teachers are unaware of the health issues
posed by the new technology. The manufacturing and recycling of digital devices
and supply chain issues have resulted in increased pollution and health risks
to populations around the world. Protective policies are needed to ensure that
new technologies are safe at every stage of the device life cycle.
Background Materials:
Radiofrequency Radiation: A Possible Human Carcinogen?
Ronald Melnick, PhD, Senior
Science Advisor, Environmental Health Trust; Fellow Emeritus, Collegium
Ramazzini; Former Toxicologist at the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program; Recipient of the American
Public Health Association’s 2007 David P. Rall Award, Full Bio
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation
Slides, and Background Materials
Radiofrequency Radiation: A Possible Human Carcinogen?
Ronald Melnick, PhD
Dr. Melnick briefly outlined the 2011 IARC classification of RF-EMFs as
a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B), as well as noting the animal
carcinogenicity studies reviewed by the IARC in their classification. Melnick
used multiple published review papers to note the large number of both animal
carcinogenicity studies and mechanistic studies conducted following the IARC
classification, highlighting the NTP cancer study and the importance of their
results. Due to the large number of well-conducted studies published after
2011, Dr. Melnick concluded that the IARC should reconsider their classification
of RF-EMFs.
Background Materials:
Proteomics and Stress Response Signaling and Impacts of RF-EMF on the Blood Brain Barrier
Dariusz Leszczynski, MSc, DSc, PhD,
Chief Editor of ‘Radiation and Health’ specialty of the ‘Frontiers in Public
Health’, Switzerland; Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland, Full Bio
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation
Slides, and Background Materials
Proteomics and Stress Response Signalling and Impacts
of RF-EMF on the Blood Brain Barrier
Dariusz Leszczynski, MSc, DSc, PhD
Autism and Cell Signaling—Proposed Investigations of Stem Cells
Benjamin Klein, MD,
Researcher at the Institute for Medical Research, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Full Bio
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation
Slides, and Background Materials
Autism and Cell Signaling—Proposed Investigations of
Stem Cells
Benjamin Klein, MD
Dr. Klein discussed possible effects of EMF on brain development and
neural stem cells, citing multiple experimental studies. Parallels between
hyper-connectivity seen induced by EMF and observed in individuals with autism
spectrum disorder raise a serious question about a possible link between the
two. Dr. Klein stated that the findings from NTP and Ramazzini Institute
studies justify extending the observation to neuronal tissue to determine
whether or not RF has induced signs of hyper-connectivity of neuronal dendrites
and overgrowth of their spines in vivo. In addition brain tissue should be
examined in culture for upregulation of translation in response to RF.
Radio Frequency Radiation Related Cancer – Assessing Causation in the Occupational/Military Setting
Michael Peleg, MSc, Engineer,
Rafael ltd.; Visiting Researcher in the Field of Engineering, The Technion –
Israel Institute of Technology, Full Bio
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation
Slides, and Background Materials
Radio Frequency Radiation Related Cancer – Assessing
Causation in the Occupational/Military Setting
by Michael Peleg, MSc
Michael Peleg discussed the differences between individuals exposed to
RF within an occupational and/or military setting in comparison to an average
individual, and case studies of the prior were presented. It was concluded that
strong evidence indicates causation between RF exposure and multiple types of
cancer, paralleled by independent epidemiological study results.
Background Materials:
Electrohypersensitivity: Clinical Observations, Data Gaps
Yael Stein, MD, Resident
Anesthesiologist, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Full Bio
Click Here for Lecture Video, PDF of Presentation Slides,
and Background Materials
Electrohypersensitivity: Clinical Observations, Data
Yael Stein, MD
Dr. Stein provided a medical overview of electrohypersensitivity,
indicating the diagnosis and treatment options available for individuals, as
well as possible mechanisms of action. She concluded that increased education
and awareness is necessary, along with innovative intervention techniques for
EHS individuals.
My EHS Story: Daily limitations and Urgent Needs of
EHS People
Amir Borenstein
Amir Borenstein
Amir’s presentation described his background and history as an EHS
(Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitive) individuals and as an EMF and EHS awareness
activist. Amir laid out the process and steps he went through in order to
handle his EHS condition, the difficulties of an EHS person on a daily basis,
and the urgent needs of the EHS community.
PDF of January 2017 IIAS Presentation
PDF of January 2017 IIAS Presentation
Working Group Presentation
Conference participants met together several hours a day in working
groups. At the end of the conference they presented their conclusions in
regards to basic science, policy, exposure and epidemiology.
Epidemiology and Case Reports Working Group
The working group reviewed epidemiologic studies published since the
IARC Working Group on RFR met in May 2011. They concluded:
The case control studies reported since the 2011 IARC Working Group
meeting are adequate to consider RFR as a probable human carcinogen but could
best be supplanted with more animal data as performed at Ramazzini and NTP and
mechanistic studies. We are hopeful that these together with the epidemiology
would be sufficient to be able to go from IARC 2B to 1. It would be useful to
know more about the association of additional tumor types such as parotid
gland, testicular, breast, and hematopoietic malignancies with RFR. Case
studies should continue to be published to increase awareness and understanding
of the relationship between exposure to RFR and disease causation.
Basic Science
The basic science working group addressed the biological effects and
mechanisms of wireless radiation. Recent findings from in vitro and animal
studies were reviewed, highlighting areas of research which need additional
attention. The specificities of mechanistic studies were discussed as well as
potential biomarkers of radiofrequency exposure. Any research reviewing the biological
basis of medical uses of RFR were addressed, as well as research focussing on
newer technologies such as 5G and their possibly biological effects. In
conclusion, major data gaps, research needs, and priorities within basic
science were discussed. Video of Presentation.
Policy Working Group
The policy workgroup discussed strategy, regulation, and legislation of
wireless radiation and its applications. Video from Presentation of Policy
group. Video of Richard Laster presenting
his recommendation
Exposure Assessment
This working group focussed on exposure assessment of multiple sources
of wireless devices in real life environments (including schools). Video of Presentation.
5G e Internet delle cose: quali rischi per la salute?
27, 2018
5G è il termine usato per
descrivere la prossima generazione di reti mobili che va oltre le reti mobili
4G LTE comunemente usate oggi. 5G è inteso come la tecnologia che consente
l’esistenza di Internet of Things (IOT)l’Internet delle cose, che collega tutti
i dispositivi a Internet. Attualmente non esiste uno standard per le reti 5G e
sarà una combinazione di una varietà di frequenze e
modulazioni. L’industria sta sviluppando esattamente quello che sarà il 5G
come standard non ancora impostato. Si presume che le reti 5G non
diventeranno disponibili sul mercato fino al 2020, ma diverse città stanno ora
sviluppando 5G come aree di prova.
Le attuali tecnologie wireless di
2G, 3G e 4G, attualmente in uso con i nostri telefoni cellulari, computer e
tecnologia indossabile, creano esposizioni a radiofrequenza che rappresentano
un grave rischio per la salute dell’uomo, degli animali e dell’ambiente. Gli
scienziati stanno ammonendo che prima di lanciare il 5G, la ricerca sugli
effetti sulla salute umana deve essere urgentemente definita prima, per poter
garantire la totale protezione del pubblico e dell’ambiente.
Tuttavia, invece di adottare
misure prudenti per garantire la sicurezza del pubblico, governi come gli Stati
Uniti stanno rapidamente implementando reti 5G in molti quartieri e stanno
promulgando varie normative statali e federali per “snellire” e velocizzare il
Il 5G comporterà l’installazione
di centinaia di migliaia di nuove antenne wireless nei quartieri delle città.
Una piccola cella cellulare o un altro trasmettitore saranno collocati ogni due
o dieci case secondo le stime. Lo scopo di questa massiccia infrastruttura
costruita con celle piccole, sistemi di antenne distribuiti e microcelle, è
quello di aumentare la portata e la capacità nelle aree urbane popolate
e prepararsi
per il futuro rollout 5G.
I governi statali e federali
degli Stati Uniti stanno spingendo regolamenti per il diritto di passaggio
davanti a case per i trasmettitori 5G, senza il consenso dei proprietari. In
risposta, le comunità protestano in massa perché non vogliono che questi
trasmettitori siano costruiti di fronte alle loro case e vogliono essere in
grado di decidere la posizione in base a regole ben precise.
Il 5G utilizzerà frequenze
millimetriche più elevate. Le reti cellulari e Wi-Fi di oggi si basano sulle
microonde, un tipo di radiazione elettromagnetica che utilizza frequenze fino a
6 gigahertz (GHz) per trasmettere in modalità wireless voce o
dati. Tuttavia, le applicazioni 5G richiederanno lo
sblocco di nuove bande dello spettro in intervalli di frequenza superiori a 6
GHz a 100 GHz e oltre, utilizzando onde submillimetriche e millimetriche, per
consentire la trasmissione di velocità ultraelevate di dati nella stessa
quantità di tempo rispetto a quelle precedenti.
Gli attuali studi sulle frequenze
wireless nel range millimetrico e submillimetrico confermano che queste onde interagiscono
direttamente con la pelle umana, in particolare con le ghiandole sudoripare. Le
onde di 5G interagiranno unicamente con la pelle umana e porteranno
all’assorbimento preferenziale dello strato. Ron Melnick, scienziato del
National Institutes of Health ha dichiarato: “C’è
un’urgente necessità di valutare gli effetti sulla salute 5G ora, prima che
siano esposti milioni di persone. Dobbiamo sapere se il 5G aumenta il
rischio di malattie della pelle come il melanoma o altri tumori della pelle.”
Dobbiamo farlo adesso,
dopo sarà troppo tardi."
(fonte: http://www.beppegrillo.it/5g-e-internet-delle-cose-quali-rischi-per-la-salute/)
la consapevolezza che la salute è nostra e ce ne dobbiamo occupare in prima persona deve farci essere attivi nella prevenzione, perchè "se è vero che ogni singolo individuo è una piccola goccia, bisogna considerare che gli oceani sono composti da singole gocce, insieme, ce la possiamo fare!"(mia citazione)
la consapevolezza che la salute è nostra e ce ne dobbiamo occupare in prima persona deve farci essere attivi nella prevenzione, perchè "se è vero che ogni singolo individuo è una piccola goccia, bisogna considerare che gli oceani sono composti da singole gocce, insieme, ce la possiamo fare!"(mia citazione)
a cura di Maria Caterina Ranieri
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